Are you ready to uncover the beautiful truth of who you are and live a life of well being and vitality?



I'm so happy you've found me! My name is Aurora, and I'm passionate about creating a nurturing space where you can discover, love and embody your truest Self. When we attune to the rhythm and heartbeat of our souls, we cultivate ease, grace, well being and joy. My highest purpose and passion is to guide you on this transformative journey and show you the way home to yourSelf! I would be so honored to work with you!


Your Path Home to Your Heart + Soul

Welcome! As a 2/4 Projector in Human Design, my soul's purpose is to guide those who find their way to me! My mission is to accompany you on your journey to sovereignty, well being, self love and expression.

Discover Your Authentic Soul and Life Purpose

Together we will unlock your soul’s purpose, so you can live a life that truly resonates with your authentic Self and step into a life of authenticity, joy and vitality.

Path to Wholeness: Your Journey of Healing and Self Discovery

My approach is centered on healing, deconditioning, and uncovering the truth and beauty of who you are. I believe in your power to break free from the patterns and conditioning that stands in your way. Together we will hold hands on this journey to wholeness, healing and your most authentic Self.

FREE Quantum Human Design™
Bodygraph Chart + Reading

How Quantum Well Being Can Help

Living an Inauthentic Life Might Feel Like:

  • Chronic Stress and Anxiety

  • Loss of Purpose, Direction and Meaning in Life

  • Depression and Fatigue

  • Low Self Esteem and Feelings of Worth

  • Relationship Struggles with Self and Others

  • Not Living Your Potential

Quantum Well Being Can Help You:

  • Find Meaning and Purpose with Life

  • Well Being, Increased Energy and Vitality

  • Cultivate Self Love, Self Confidence and Self Worth

  • Stress Reduction and Improved Health

  • Deepen Your Relationships with Self and Others

  • Unlock Your True Potential and Feel Empowered

  • Live an Authentic Life and Uncover Your Authentic Self


What is Quantum Well Being

Quantum Well Being is an innovative approach to health and wellness that integrates the principles of quantum physics with holistic healing practices. This concept suggests that at a fundamental level, our health and well-being are deeply interconnected with the quantum field, the invisible energy that underlies all of existence. By understanding and working with these quantum energies, it's believed that individuals can achieve profound changes in their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Quantum Well Being views the human body and consciousness not just as physical entities but as energetic systems that are constantly interacting with the environment and the universe. This perspective encourages a holistic approach to wellness, emphasizing the importance of balance and harmony within the body's energy systems.

The goal of Quantum Well Being is to empower individuals to tap into their innate healing capabilities, fostering a state of optimal health that aligns with their true essence and purpose. It's a transformative approach that seeks to elevate the understanding of health beyond traditional models, offering pathways to a more integrated and spiritually attuned way of living.


Quantum Human Design™

1:1 Soul Sessions

Energetic + Intuitive Guidance

Packages Available

Live Online Gatherings

Sliding Scale $1 Up

Unleash, Embody + Nourish Your Inner Teacher

Grief Gathering Circles

Witches Who Brunch

Loss of Loved Animals

Supportive Gathering Circle for Soulpreneurs

Becoming Embodied

Wisdom Gathering Circle: Crone Candor

Courses + Digital Products

Transformational Journals + Guidebooks


Courses Launching Soon



"Aurora taught me self respect and respect for others. Aurora picked up on my negative self-talk right away. While I used to think it was funny to call myself names and tell myself that I was stupid, Aurora kindly, but firmly explained that this was detrimental. She coached me on ways to turn this around"


"You have me hooked and I’m eager to continue this soul-learning with you as my incredible guide."


"When I work with Aurora, I feel the space being held for me. In all honesty, I’d never really understood that term until I had the opportunity to work with Aurora. She not only held space for me, but allowed me to be heard. The way she listens to me and offers beautiful words of guidance are like crawling under a nice warm blanket and snuggling in. Warm, safe and comfortable. "



Frequently asked questions

Many individuals report feeling a greater sense of clarity, purpose, and alignment after receiving their Soul Blueprint PDF. The insights provided can help you navigate life more confidently, understand your challenges as opportunities for growth, and foster a deeper connection with your true self.

Quantum Human Design™ is a modern evolution of the traditional Human Design system, offering a more nuanced and empowering approach to understanding your unique energy blueprint. It combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to provide insights into your personality, strengths, and life purpose.

A Soul Attunement Reading dives deep into your Quantum Human Design™ chart to reveal your intrinsic energy type, strategy, and authority, along with detailed aspects of your personal and spiritual growth. This reading helps you understand how to navigate life with more ease, make aligned decisions, and tap into your highest potential, addressing feelings of isolation, confusion, or misalignment.

The Soul Attunement Reading includes a comprehensive and personalized exploration of your Quantum Human Design™ chart, meticulously crafted to unveil the foundational and intricate aspects of your unique energy type. This in-depth reading is designed to provide you with profound insights into your inherent energy dynamics and how they interact with the world around you, guiding you towards understanding your true self and purpose.

Included in this transformative package are:

  • A Beautiful and Detailed Soul Blueprint PDF: This personalized guide is emailed to you within 7 days of your reading. It delves into the essential elements of your Quantum Human Design™, offering clarity and direction on how to align with your authentic self, optimize your potential, and navigate life with greater ease and fulfillment.

  • Three Hours of One-on-One Q&A on Voxer: After you've had time to integrate the insights from your reading, you'll have a dedicated 3-hour window to engage in a dynamic and interactive Q&A session with me on Voxer. This is your opportunity to seek clarification, ask deeper questions, and discuss how to practically apply the wisdom of your Soul Blueprint in daily life, ensuring you're supported every step of the way on your journey to self-discovery and transformation.

Please go to our booking page HERE.

FREE Quantum Human Design™
Bodygraph Chart + Reading